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Courgette and toasted almond pesto - Nonna Lena | Typical product

Ingredients: Dried zucchini, fresh basil, parsley, E.V.O. oil, toasted almonds, salt  

Format: 130gr

Pairings: Ideal for enriching cold dishes, first courses and side dishes.

100 Items
Nonna Lena
  Spedizione gratuita

in tutta Italia con ordini superiori a € 25

Courgette and toasted almond pesto - Nonna Lena | Typical product

The roasting and preparation of the almonds balance the delicacy of the zucchini and basil pesto.

Ideal for enriching cold dishes, first courses and side dishes.

Ingredients: Dried zucchini, fresh basil, parsley, E.V.O. oil, toasted almonds, salt  

Format: 130gr

N.B. By purchasing Courgette and toasted almond pesto - Nonna Lena, shipping times they could undergo variations of 2-3 days from the moment of the conclusion of the order, as it is a handcrafted product.

100 Items
